Hbgary Responder Community Edition Sugarcrm

First Responder Community
Feb 17, 2009 Shameless Plug: 'Responder Field Edition is now $979 per copy'. If anyone is interested in an evaluation of Responder or Fastdump please contact sales@hbgary.com. Thanks Harlan, -Rich Rich Cummings HBGary, Inc.
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First Responder Community Of Practice
Sacramento, California, February 24, 2010, Today HBGary (a leading provider of best-in-class threat intelligence solutions for government agencies and Fortune 500 organizations, announced that the company has received an extension to their contract with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to conduct a series of hands-on memory forensics and malware analysis training events with local, state, and federal law enforcement officials around the country. Today organizations are increasingly turning to HBGary solutions not only to help detect the malware, but also to gather necessary threat intelligence ' the author and operator behind the malware -- to better protect their confidential data and leverage their current defense-in-depth security solutions. 'It's a great thing having HBGary provide the training in this specific field since they are on the leading edge dealing with Enterprise-level malware. Also, they are the leader in live memory analysis research and applying that research in the field in the form of tools and training. The training is designed for both your average high-technology crime cop or seasoned government or corporate investigator.