Download Mugen Characters Blazblue Characters

Download Mugen 1.0 Characters
For my first wish, I wish for a Mugen version of Kagura Mutsuki. For my second wish, the same for Azrael. And for my third wish, I wish for. Find her on my OneDrive or Dropbox (Mugen 1.1) and (Mugen 1.0). Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in. Let's not go into details as to why I'm here again. As per usual, there's a Mugen 1.1 and a Mugen 1.0 version, and as always I recommend the 1.1 version, because Mugen 1.0 has lower quality sprites and effects.
Heck, this time around I had to severely decrease the amount of effects the character has because it just caused too much lag in 1.0. Movelist, special palettes and specific mechanic information can be found in the readme file Izayoi comes with. Here's some examples of Izayoi fighting. The gifs are sped up because there's no way her entire combos can fit into the timeframe.
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Best Mugen Character Downloads
Rapid Combo in Normal form into Gain Arts form (gamespeed 9): Gain Arts Combo using 2 Stocks, into Distortion: Justice Phorizer (gamespeed 9): Distortion: Slaver Trans-Am; A rarely used move I'd say, but it works (Also showing pal 5 and 6 colors): There's not really any extra exposition this time. Kaho na pyar hai song. I've simply been snailing along and slowly building up this character for like half a year when I felt like it. Will I ever make another one? I'd say it's not likely, but I've been saying that the last 8 characters I've made. If I do ever return, expect Celica and her murder robot friend in 6 months+++, hah. Often times I end up facing new challenges whenever I make a new character.