Dota Hotkeys Mineskeys

Ive been using mineskeys and inventory a+ for dota. Ive just upgraded my computer to windows 7 from windows xp. Then when i use/open the hotkeys. It does open.
Download dota hotkeys that is best for you. Used by more than 10000 dota players per day. With quick chat, inventory a+, modes, and commands.
But when i open dota/frozen throne, it does not work. Ive tried to run it as an admin and troubleshoot compatibility. But nothing worked. Can you please.
Ive been using mineskeys and inventory a+ for dota. Ive just upgraded my computer to windows 7 from windows xp. Then when i use/open the hotkeys. It does open.

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But when i open dota/frozen throne, it does not work. Ive tried to run it as an admin and troubleshoot compatibility. But nothing worked. Can you please help me??