Did Patch Adams Girlfriend Really Get Murdered

Patch's fellow medical student and girlfriend, Carin, is shot and killed by a psychiatric patient she is helping, and her patient then commits suicide. Patch is devastated when he attends Carin's funeral.
Patch Adams Girlfriend Killed
While it might seem fun to be the subject of a feature film, not every person-turned-character has loved seeing his or her life play out on the big screen. As Stephen Frears' The Program, about the fall of Lance Armstrong, hits theaters today, we're taking a look back at 12 people who hated the movies made about their lives. MARK ZUCKERBERG // THE SOCIAL NETWORK (2010) There aren’t a lot of college students whose (sober) exploits would be interesting enough to sustain a two-hour running time.
But Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg wasn’t your typical co-ed. While many of the key players involved in the multi-billion-dollar Website’s founding have pointed out inaccuracies in David Fincher’s The Social Network, Zuckerberg has been more lighthearted with his criticism. In an interview with, he noted that “it’s pretty interesting to see what parts they got right and what parts they got wrong. I think that they got every single T-shirt that they had the Mark Zuckerberg character wear right; I think I own all of those T-shirts. And they got the sandals right and all that. But there are hugely basic things that they got wrong, too,” he added.